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At Marut Drones, we are committed to transforming agriculture with cutting-edge technology. Today, we compare traditional farming using the knapsack method with precision farming using drones, highlighting the remarkable differences in efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.

Field Capacity

Traditional farming with the knapsack method can cover only 2-3 acres per day. In contrast, precision farming with AG365 drones can cover 20-30 acres per day. This significant increase in field capacity means farmers can manage larger areas with greater ease and efficiency.

Labor Productivity

Traditional methods require 5-6 laborers to cover just one acre in a day. Precision farming, on the other hand, needs only one drone operator to manage 20-30 acres per day. This boost in labor productivity reduces labor costs and alleviates the physical burden on farmworkers.

Time Saving

Time is a critical factor in farming. Traditional methods offer low time efficiency, whereas drones save up to 90% of the time required for tasks such as spraying pesticides and monitoring crops. This time-saving aspect allows farmers to focus on other essential activities.

Water Saving

Water is a precious resource in agriculture. Traditional farming methods are often moderate to low in water efficiency. Precision farming with drones, however, can save up to 30-50% of water through targeted irrigation and precise application of inputs, promoting sustainable farming practices.

Yield Improvement

Traditional methods yield moderate improvements, which can vary widely. Drones, however, can enhance yield by up to 20-30%. This significant improvement ensures higher productivity and profitability for farmers.

Pesticide Impact

Traditional farming involves high pesticide usage, which can be harmful to the environment and human health. Precision farming with drones reduces pesticide use by 20-30% through precise application, ensuring that only the necessary amount of pesticides is used.

At Marut Drones, we believe in harnessing the power of technology to create a sustainable and efficient agricultural future. By embracing precision farming with drones, farmers can achieve remarkable improvements in productivity, efficiency, and sustainability.

Income Potential

Traditional farming with the knapsack method can yield an income of up to ₹50,000 per month. In contrast, using AG365 drones in precision farming can increase earnings to up to ₹2,40,000 per month. This substantial increase in income demonstrates the financial benefits of adopting advanced agricultural technologies. 

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