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Hyderabad: Hyderabad-based manufacturer Marut Drones said that it had introduced Seedcopter 2.0, a drone that could find use in reforestation. It would offer services to corporates that are involved in reforestation activities

Marut has used Seedcopter for its ‘Hara Bhara campaign’ to plant trees across Telangana, Arunachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, and Assam, the company said in a statement. Seedcopter can be used for aerial survey, mapping, providing insights into topography, soil conditions, and vegetation as well as post-planting monitoring.

“We are making Seedcopter 2.0 available as a service for corporate entities. We aim to extend the reach of drone technology,” said Prem Kumar Vislawath, Marut chief executive officer.

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